St James Church - Newchapel


Sunday Morning Service 10:30am
The morning service starts at 10:30am, there are free refreshments served after the services, so feel free to grab a tea or coffee.

Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays

Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays.

All Together in Worship
The first Sunday in the month is our ATW All Age Service.

It starts at 10:30am but come and join us for coffee before hand too.

It is a relaxed service where everyone is in the main body of the church and the service has elements to include everybody.

This service is great if you have kids and a great introduction if you are exploring Infant Baptism.

Anointing with Oil Service

In months where there is a fifth Sunday, we have an Anointing with Oil service where there is an opportunity to receive anointing with oil and healing prayer.